Archive | October 2014

Of Rats and Feminists!

Recently the Marie Stopes abortion clinic in Belfast “celebrated” its second anniversary.

The usual rent-a-mob(ster) brigade known as Belfast Feminist Network (and others of their ilk) were on hand and “celebrated” the shameful anniversary with cake.

A pro-life group were protesting against the abortion clinic at the same time (they maintain a presence outside the Stopes clinic on most days and are to be commended for their labours.)

Some of the pro-abortion lobby left a parcel on the table manned by the pro-life group.

When the parcel was unwrapped, it was found to contain two dead rats!

It appears that the evildoers who left the sickening parcel fled the scene because it is our understanding that the Police made no arrests.

It is our contention that the pro-abortion lobby are evil and dangerous and the incident described in our post bears chilling testimony to that fact.

This entry was posted on October 26, 2014. 2 Comments

This “Friend of the Earth” is no friend of the unborn child!

Last Saturday, the radical outfit that goes by the name of Belfast Feminist Network held a “Vitamin F – a Daily Activism Training Day” at NICVA (Northern Ireland Council for Voluntary Action) headquarters in Belfast.

Some well-known feminist revolutionaries spoke at said event, namely Dr.Fiona Bloomer and Emma Campbell who are both associated with the University of Ulster where Dr.Bloomer is an “academic” and Emma Campbell is a PhD student. Both women are pro-abortion activists.

A male member of the eco-warrior organisation called “Friends of the Earth,” one Niall Bakewell, also spoke at said event, and, as he was among fellow revolutionaries, he spoke the language of war when he spoke of campaigning and said that “campaign is a word of war.”

As he was among fanatical pro-abortion feminists, it is quite legitimate to conclude that whilst he calls himself a “friend of the earth,” he is no friend of the unborn child and supports the demand for abortion “rights” in Northern Ireland.

Ponder this for a moment. He is concerned about the welfare of trees and eco-systems etc but has no concern for the welfare of the unborn child!

Let us return once more to the person of Dr.Fiona Bloomer before concluding this post. She has a twitter account and on it she has an illustration of a young child with the following words attributed to the child which read as follows,

“Mommy, when I grow up I want to help smash the white racist, homophobic, patriarchal bull…. paradigm too!”


The sad and deeply worrying thing about this woman is that she holds an academic position at the University of Ulster where she has free rein to spout her dangerous revolutionary nonsense in the hearing of many easily influenced (and brainwashed) young students, with the goal of recruiting many of them in to the ranks of feminist revolutionaries.

Parents of University students, beware and take heed to the warning.

Click on the following link to read a report of last Saturday’s feminist powwow, written  by an attendee who has, it seems (sadly) been “converted” to the “goddess religion” i.e Feminism.

Dawn Purvis – FearSOME not FearFUL

Dawn Purvis, she of Marie Stopes abortion clinic infamy, is presently engaged in dragging the courageous leader of anti-abortion group Precious Life through the Courts.

Miss/Mrs Purvis claims that Mrs. Bernadette Smyth, the founder and leader of Precious Life “harassed” her earlier this year.

On Friday past, the Court case was adjourned yet again, this time until October 17th, because the District Judge Chris Holmes was “unavailable.”

At a hearing earlier this month, it was claimed that Dawn Purvis felt too afraid to sit in a room with Mrs. Smyth even if Police Officers were present!

This is laughable nonsense coming from a woman (Dawn Purvis) who, in the past, led the menacing Progressive Unionist Party which offered “political analysis” to the murderous UVF (a loyalist terrorist organisation.)

We think it likely that Dawn Purvis’s stated concerns about her safety are either exaggerated or have no basis whatsoever in fact.

However, she is succeeding in restricting the freedom of Mrs. Smyth and Precious Life to oppose the Marie Stopes clinic by her claim of “harassment” which has (designedly) resulted in this long, drawn-out Court case.

We saw this with our own eyes because on Friday past, we stood outside the Marie Stopes clinic (just the two of us) displaying a Bible placard warning that abortuary, that God hates “hands that shed innocent blood.”

Precious Life were there also. However, we did not protest jointly and our witness was separate from theirs, believing as we do that there is a need for a separated Evangelical Christian witness against abortion.

A police van was parked nearby for the duration of our protest, it was there when we arrived. Before we ended our protest, two police officers emerged from the abortion clinic, got into their van and drove away.

Why were the Police there? Was it to protect those pro-aborts from the “dangerous” pro-life protestors (us and Precious Life,) or were they there to intimidate us?

It was sickening in the extreme to see the Police “protecting” those engaged in the killing of unborn babies.

Those police officers were facilitating the breaking of the law they are duty bound to uphold, namely the law (of God and man) which states, “thou shalt not kill.”

University of Ulster supports pro-abortion events in Belfast

The Institute for Research in Social Sciences (IRiSS) at the University of Ulster Jordanstown campus is a hot-bed of pro-abortion Feminism, and the University itself has adopted a pro-abortion stance by its support for a series of abortion-promoting (and abortion-demanding) events taking place this month, between 2nd-24th October at a venue in Belfast.

Feminist “artist” Emma Campbell, presently a PhD student at the aforementioned University, will be exhibiting her “artwork” at these events and she and her comrades will host/take part in, a workshop, lecture and discussion, all on the theme of “abortion rights.”

She will “attempt to use the art and the gallery space for abortion rights activism.”

In addition to her PhD studies, Miss Campbell is also the Vice-Chairwoman of Alliance for Choice Belfast. The word “choice” is, of course, a euphemism for abortion.

In August this year, Miss Campbell was making mischief in Canada, as she, and others of her ilk, took part in a conference entitled, “Abortion:The Unfinished Revolution.”
The conference was held on Prince Edward Island, deliberately chosen because it is the only Province where Canadian women have no access to abortion.
One of the organisers of the conference, Dr.Shannon Stettner, said the following, “We think it’s time to bring abortion to the island.”

Miss Campbell did not travel to Canada alone. She was joined by Dr.Fiona Bloomer, also from the University of Ulster, Kellie O Dowd, and Mark Benson from Queens University Belfast (all feminists, including the male.)

The Institute for Research in Social Sciences (IRiSS) at the Univ. of Ulster is a bastion of radical feminism i.e feminism taken to its logical conclusion. Feminism is, in actual fact, Marxism applied to gender and students who have the misfortune to be taught by these “academics” are being indoctrinated with a dangerous ideology.

Here are some of the “academics” who are “Lecturers in Social Policy at the  U of U,

Dr.Wendy Saunderson

Goretti Horgan (also associated with Alliance for Choice)

Dr.Fiona Bloomer (already mentioned.)

There is another group of feminists in Belfast and they are supporting and/or taking part in the pro-abortion events currently taking place in Belfast, and they are, the Belfast Feminist Network.

One of their number is Kellie Turtle who is also a Board member of the Rainbow Project in Londonderry ( a LGBT lobby group,) and, in addition, she is an Education worker at the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission.

We think it is disgraceful that the University of Ulster is supporting events that are promoting and demanding abortion, and we call on the University to publicly withdraw its support and apologise for ever offering it in the first place.

We have e-mailed the Vice-Chancellor of the University about this matter, and I (Mrs.White) spoke at length to Dr.Fiona Bloomer to inform her of our opposition to abortion and to this month of pro-abortion events.

Click on the following link, and scroll down to 30th September to see the feminist response to my opposition to them,

Somewhere a prison cell awaits these women (or should)

Pro-abortion feminists from a group called IMELDA  which stands for “Ireland Making England the Legal Destination for Abortion” disrupted a dinner in London attended by Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny.

The “ranting and raving” feminists (there were two of them) specifically targeted Mr.Kenny by placing female underwear with pro-choice slogans written on it, on his dinner plate.

These women are using terror tactics and are, in fact, feminazis or feminasties (both labels are applicable,) and they must be stopped.

We were harassed by that group IMELDA in Dublin last week as we protested against the pro-abortion March for Choice.

If they are not dealt with by the police, these women will soon be throwing underwear at people on the street or sending underwear to people through the post.

Feminism leads women to cast off all restraint and propriety and decency, and these women are an example of the brainwashing effect of feminism on them.

Pro-abortion feminists such as IMELDA and Alliance for Choice and Abortion Rights Campaign and Belfast Feminist Network, to name but four, will stop at nothing (short of murder) to force abortion on demand, at any stage of pregnancy, on the Irish Republic and Northern Ireland.

We must resist them and confront them with the Word of God and that publicly, and as often as possible. They know there is opposition to them so make sure they see it and hear it.

BBC conclusion was a foregone conclusion!

Finally, we have a conclusion to our complaint about the pro-abortion bias of three Stephen Nolan shows ( one TV and two radio shows which aired in October, 2013.)

We appealed to the BBC Editorial Standards Committee because we were dissatisfied with earlier responses to our complaint by the BBC complaints department.

There were three complainants, the two of us (the Whites) and two others, their names are known to us but we have never met them.

The BBC Trustees found a breach of accuracy in relation to the 9th October, 2013 radio programme, but did not separately uphold complaints relating to other accuracy issues and impartiality in relation to the three programmes.

We (the Whites) cannot speak for the other complainants but we can give our opinion on this predictable, unsurprising BBC judgement.

We are disappointed but not surprised that the BBC did not uphold our complaint concerning Stephen Nolan and his pro-abortion bias (although as we have already stated,they did concede that there was a breach of accuracy in one of the aforementioned radio shows.)

Notwithstanding that concession, we remain firm in our opinion that those three Nolan shows were campaigning for a liberalising of Northern Ireland’s current abortion law and were clearly on the side of those agitating for abortion on demand to be legalised in this Province, and were hostile to pro-life contributors to the programmes, in particular, the courageous Mrs.Bernadette Smith of Precious Life.

Slimming Club called “We strip together” oops “We slim together”

Slimmers at a slimming club in Northern Ireland are losing more than pounds and inches in the calorie wars, they are losing their clothes, their dignity and their sanity!

The “We slim together” slimming club should be renamed “We strip together,” because the slimmers (all 24 of them) have completely disrobed for photographs for a calendar purportedly compiled to raise money for a charity i.e  Northern Ireland Chest Heart and Stroke.

It is deeply troubling that this Charity is happy to receive money (dirty money) from pornographic calendars full of naked women.

Thankfully most shops have refused to sell the offending item.

Sadly, some are happy to do so.

Someone once said that “there is money in muck” (muck = filth or smut) and, no doubt, those nude slimmers WILL raise some money for that Charity, but they will find, in time to come, that their public nakedness will cost them a terrible price, because the Bible says that “the wages of sin is (spiritual) death.”

Sexual Freedom fighters inflame passions to “prevent rape”

The University of New Mexico is presently hosting its first “Sex Week!”

The Women’s Resource Centre at the University are the culprits, and their supposed goal for their “Sex Week” is that it will reduce the incidences of sexual assaults on campus.

This is akin to putting out a fire by adding fuel to it!

If sexual assaults are common on University campuses, and if the rate of such assaults are increasing, then Feminists and their obsession with sex are partly to blame.

Feminism has made women much more vulnerable to assault because it encourages and promotes sexual promiscuity, drunkenness, immodesty and dirty talk among women and teaches them that nothing is taboo and that anything, no matter how intimate and personal, can be discussed openly.

The Feminists at the University of New Mexico are using the supposed high incidence of sexual assaults on campus as a cover for their goal of promoting the sexual revolution, and their filthy “Sex Week” is intended to do just that, and they will succeed, with dreadful consequences for those who believe the lies of these sexual revolutionaries, and one of their biggest lies is their oft-repeated mantra of “safe sex” because sex outside of marriage is anything but safe, it is extremely dangerous.

Click on the following link to read about the depravity that masquerades as “education” at said University,

This entry was posted on October 2, 2014. 2 Comments