Archive | May 2020

Professor Neil Ferguson and the bloody contiguous cull, circa 2001

He was “Dr” Neil Ferguson then but still employed by Imperial College London, and then, as now, his computer models were flawed and inaccurate and as a result, then, as now,  devastating consequences ensued.

Presently he is part of the Covid-19 Response Team (which he formed) and his computer modelling is responsible for the weeks of lockdown Britain has endured.

In 2001 it was animals (cattle, sheep and pigs) that suffered because of Ferguson and his colleagues. He and his (then) colleagues, Professor Roy Anderson and Christl Donnelly were behind the monstrous “slaughter on suspicion” policy to eradicate foot and mouth disease that led to the bloodiest episode in the history of British agriculture.

That unholy trio and their flawed and dangerous computer models formed Government policy and led to the contiguous cull i.e the slaughter of all animals within 3 kilometres of known cases for no other reason than the suspicion that they may be infected.

Most of the animals that were slaughtered were healthy.

A vet at the time called the policy “carnage by computer.”

A NFU (National Farmers Union) policy adviser said that “the possibility of slaughter has spread fear like wildfire.”

There are horror stories of desperate farmers barricading their animals inside their homes to escape the slaughtermen (which included soldiers) who were aided and abetted by the police.

Other villains of the piece include Tony Blair and his government.

Neil Ferguson received an OBE in the 2002 New Years Honours for his work modelling the 2001 UK foot and mouth outbreak.

God help us when men like him are “honoured” for evil doing.

The leader of that unholy trio Professor Roy Anderson currently chairs the Science Advisory Board of the WHO (World Health Organisation). He is also a member of Bill Gates’ “Grand Challenges in Global Health Advisory Board” and a non-executive director of GlaxoSmithKline.

In 2008 Ferguson co-founded the MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis based at Imperial College (where else). It gets tens of millions of dollars in annual funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. He is also linked to the NHS, the WHO and the US Centre for Disease Control (CDC).

Is anyone connecting the dots?

Is it possible that we are being treated like guinea pigs in a global experiment and that the virus is the excuse/cover for nefarious ends?

Ponder these chilling words (below) spoken by one or all of the Imperial team at the time of the foot and mouth outbreak.

“The Imperial team does not predict an end date for Britain to be clear of the epidemic.”

“We would be very concerned if in the cooler months ahead there were a relaxation of movement restrictions and bio-security controls.”

They could be talking about the coronavirus!

Wake up Joe Public! Protect yourself (from them)! Resist their tyranny!



Was this photo taken before lockdown or during? (PS added)

If the latter, then look who broke the six foot rule!

(Irrespective, we query the practice of social distancing as it looks suspiciously like social conditioning!)

PS   We have been informed that Capt Moore lives with his daughter and her family.

This entry was posted on May 19, 2020. 2 Comments

An encounter with “lockdown enforcers”

We had legitimate business to attend to today in our local town in a rural part of Northern Ireland, and during our time there, as we drove from one location to another, we were stopped by the PSNI (Police Service of Northern Ireland) who were conducting a “stop and interrogate” exercise against law-abiding citizens.

We were not surprised to see this waste of police time as we knew it was highly likely that we would encounter these “lockdown enforcers” during this Covid-19 hysteria, but it was still an unsettling experience.

Four police officers were at this “checkpoint” and one of them was stopping cars in our lane (another stopped vehicles going in the opposite direction) and two appeared to be observers (were they checking licence plates? I wonder!)

The intimidating officer who questioned us did not make any attempt at “niceties” and his questioning of us began with,

“Where are you going?”

To which we replied “Home.”

“Where’s home?”

We replied with the name of our home village.

He must have thought we were too far from home (11 miles away) because he then asked us,
“What are you doing here?” or words to that effect.

We answered his question, obviously to his satisfaction.

I wish we had told him to mind his own business!

I wish we had demanded to know by what authority he demanded to know our business but no, we were like compliant sheep.

I hope that next time, we’ll be willing and able to confront and resist this tyranny.



“The comics” aka the mainstream media

I was greatly amused the other day when I read a comment on a website discussing the media in which the commenter referred to the mainstream media newspapers as “the comics.”

I don’t think the commenter meant “comics” as in “comedians” although the mainstream media do make one chuckle with their arrant nonsense but “comics” as in children’s magazines such as (to name three) Bunty, Judy and Mandy from the days of yore (aka my childhood.)

Those delightful comics were filled with wonderful, unrealistic fairy tales.

What an apt description of the mainstream media, minus the word “wonderful.”

VE Day, Honourable manhood and the Ashokan Farewell

In honour of Victory in Europe Day on Friday past listen to the beautiful and moving Ashokan Farewell, then listen to the heartbreaking “Dear Sarah” letter written by an American Civil War soldier called Sullivan Ballou to his wife Sarah shortly before his death at the Battle of Bull Run.

The Ashokan Farewell accompanies the reading of the letter.