Archive | March 2015

Fiona brooks no criticism!

Update on our recent post entitled, “Feminism, Victoria’s Secrets and Fiona Paisley.”

Her twitter account is now protected and no longer open to public view. Make of this what you will.

Before she took this course of action, she removed three of the four offending tweets we highlighted in our post. She also tweeted a despicable and slanderous comment about us, and only Christian charity toward her prevents us from reprinting her words here. However, we have a record of them.

She also posted words of support she received from a woman named Wendy. This support consisted of derogatory comments about us and our blog. Wendy is known to us and she is a pro-abortion feminist and has troubled us a great deal on our blog about our pro-life views.

Note well, Mrs.Paisley, the views of your supporter Wendy!

PS  We have changed the title of our original post which was entitled, “Fiona silences her critics.”

A one woman protest against Hitler fan Marie Stopes!

Last Saturday (21st March,) I travelled to Belfast to protest against the Marie Stopes abortion clinic. I stood in front of Belfast City Hall and displayed a placard bearing these words,

Marie Stopes, Hitler and the Third Reich,
Birds of a feather…..

I then walked to the Marie Stopes clinic to display my placard.

I believe in taking the battle to the enemy, right to their very door, in fact, and am not afraid to stand alone!

A man who witnessed my protest commented thus about me (to his friend) “A woman of conviction.”

The truth about Hitler fan Marie Stopes must be made public and if that means one woman has to stand alone to do so, then so be it!

This entry was posted on March 23, 2015. 4 Comments

Feminism, Victoria’s Secrets and Fiona Paisley

Fiona Paisley is the wife of Ian Paisley MP, the son of the late Ian R.K.Paisley. She has a Twitter  account and some of its content was shocking because Mrs.Paisley would claim to be an Evangelical Christian.

Whilst she does not describe herself as a Feminist on her Twitter profile, she is living the life that Feminism says she ought to live. She is a member of a gym called Crossfit which appears to be the latest exercise craze and is not without its critics.

Mrs.Paisley has photos of herself lifting heavy weights as if it was wise and safe for women to attempt such feats. However, as women are 40-50% weaker than men (generally speaking) women should not be lifting weights at all and Fiona Paisley is at risk of serious injury if she continues to place such unnatural and unnecessary strain on her body. Other women may be inclined to follow her example and serious injury could result. The heavy weightlifting is obviously changing the appearance of Mrs.Paisley’s arms (photo on twitter) as she is developing unfeminine bulging biceps, about which she says, “loving what @crossfit is doing to my arm.”

Another deeply disturbing (and shocking) revelation on Fiona Paisley’s twitter account is her disclosure that she visited a Victoria’s Secrets shop, and she  taunted her readers with these words, “Guess where I was today?” It is shameful for a professing Christian to visit a shop which is in the same category as the vile Ann Summers shops.

Perhaps the most shocking item on her twitter account is a retweet from rugby player Andrew Trimble, who also claims to be an Evangelical Christian. The photo accompanying this retweet is obscene. Shame on anyone who would reproduce such a photo.

All the above bears shocking testimony to the fact that most professing Christians today are not just in the world, but of it, and they love it. Yet the Bible clearly states, “Love not the world,” and “Come out from among them and be ye separate, saith the Lord.”

Click on the following link to draw your own conclusions,  and pay particular attention to the following dates, 1st August, 13th June, 16th May, 4th May.

This entry was posted on March 23, 2015. 3 Comments

Clare Bailey – busy making mischief

Clare Bailey, the Deputy Leader of the Green Party in Northern Ireland is a mischief-maker par excellence.

When she is not agitating for abortion on demand, she is promoting the LGBT agenda.

Listen to her pro-LGBT rant at a Belfast rally against the Conscience clause at the following link,

The Left doesn’t want anyone to have the right to oppose any type of sexual deviancy on grounds of conscience.

Note the line-up of speakers on stage behind Miss/Mrs Bailey. Naomi Long of the liberal, left-leaning Alliance Party is there, as is Gerry Kelly, a convicted IRA bomber now elevated to a position in our Government made possible because of the dreadful abandonment of principle by the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) the late Ian Paisley’s Party. Also in the line-up is Alex Atwood of the SDLP, another Left-leaning liberal Party.

A question for Fionola Meredith – why has Breedagh Hughes not been imprisoned?

The BBC radio programme “Sunday Sequence” had a debate this morning on Feminism. The panel reflected the usual pro-feminist bias of the BBC because all the contributors (including the presenter and a male economist) are feminists.

The presenter, Roisin McAuley, announced the forthcoming debate with the following words, “A century of change but are women still second class citizens?”

Women still second class citizens?!!!! Surely she can’t be serious? She was, and she spoke this piece of hilarious feminist propaganda as if it were a fact!

The other feminists on the panel were Fionola Meredith, John Simpson and Patricia Mc Keown.

Miss/Mrs Meredith is a well-known feminist, Mr. Simpson is an Economist who is afraid of feminists and made only a weak attempt to counter their propaganda. Miss/Mrs McKeown is a Socialist and has a lucrative position as Regional Secretary of Unison, a militant trade union.

Fionola Meredith sees the need for revolution to obtain her Equality Utopia. She is also pro-abortion and attempted to introduce the subject of abortion into the debate, which should not surprise us because feminism and abortion are virtually synonymous.

She spoke of Northern Ireland’s “barbaric law on abortion” and stated that the penalties for women having abortions (and anyone who helps them) are the harshest in Europe i.e life imprisonment.”

If this is true, then why has midwife Breedagh Hughes not been sent to prison for life after admitting to assisting in illegal abortions?

Answer the question, Fionola.

Listen to part of the Sunday Sequence debate, mentioned above, at

The discussion on feminism begins at 29 minutes, 51 seconds. The subject of abortion is introduced at 49 minutes, 29 seconds.

I.M.E.L.D.A wins the ugly sister(hood) competition

Did you know that ugly sisters are not just the stuff of fairy tales?

Meet I.M.E.L.D.A,  a truly ugly (ideologically speaking) gaggle of the “sisterhood” i.e Feminists.

These ugly sisters are fanatically pro-abortion with a penchant for throwing underwear with pro-abortion slogans written on them at those who oppose them, as we can testify to, because when we opposed the pro-abortion “March for Choice” in Dublin last year we came face to face with disgusting I.M.E.L.D.A, a group whose acronym stands for “Ireland Making England the Legal Destination for Abortion.”

In the following video, I.M.E.D.A  make a mockery of beauty contests (which are problematic anyway) to forward their pro-abortion agenda.

Purvis and Blood – two sexual revolutionaries and their “awards”!

Click on the link below and scroll down to read of Dawn Purvis’s reward, oops, award for promoting and advancing the sexual revolution against Biblical morality. She was voted “Sexual health professional of the year” by her fellow revolutionaries last week. She is the Director of Marie Stopes abortion clinic in Belfast.

Marie Stopes was a fan of Hitler!

The Northern Ireland Children’s Commissioner Koulla Yiasouma is a comrade of Miss Purvis and she posted these words on her (Yiasouma’s) twitter account after hearing of Purvis’s award,  “Many congrats to you @dawnpurvis on winning tonight.”

Another sexual revolutionary, Baroness May Blood was also rewarded for the promotion and advancement of the sexual revolution, receiving the Sexual Health UK’s “Lifetime Achievement Award.”

The yearly Sexual Health UK awards event is an utterly vile spectacle organised by the utterly vile Brook and Family Planning Association, two of the most anarchic, radical outfits in the UK today.

Cats in danger (again) in East Belfast

Cats are again at risk of harm (or worse) in East Belfast (see article below).

In light of this sinister development, we pose this question, “Are the Kirkwood family behaving themselves?”

See our previous post about them entitled, “…and now meet the Kirkwood Family – Northern Ireland’s home-grown animal killers!” January 16th, 2013

See where refusal to judge led this wicked “Pastor’s” wife!

We learned today that a woman named Callie Chatman, the wife of the “Pastor” of New Elam Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama, works at an abortion clinic and that her son works as security at the same dreadful place.

It appears that mother and son work there with the approval of her husband!

Therefore we conclude that these three are not Christians at all but rather they comprise a wolf-pack (spiritually speaking) for they are wolves in sheeps clothing, the wolfish “Pastor” the she-wolf wife and the wolf cub son.

They should be put out of that Baptist church without delay. The fact that they have not been removed from the Fellowship speaks volumes about the appalling spiritual condition of that “Church,”

Read the story for yourself at the link below,