Archive | September 2019

Climate change is “the greatest scam in history” (are you listening Greta Thunberg?)

The late meteorologist John Coleman has a message for eco-warriors (and useful idiots) like Greta Thunberg and it is this,

“Climate change is baloney” and “global warming is a myth” and he called the concept of climate change “the greatest scam in history.”

Voddie Baucham’s daughter adds tattoo to nose ring

Jasmine Holmes is the daughter of Christian Pastor Voddie Baucham. She and her parents and family were deeply involved with the now defunct organisation Vision Forum which advocated home schooling and an extreme form of patriarchy.

Patriarchy is Biblical but Vision Forum advocated an extreme form of it.

Jasmine Baucham was featured in a Vision Forum film with her Dad Voddie (and many others including infamous Doug Phillips) and the film title “Return of the Daughters” (and the film itself) glossed over the true nature of the patriarchy concept advocated by Vision Forum.

In 2014 Jasmine Baucham married Phillip Holmes and today she bears virtually no resemblance to the girl who appeared in the film “Return of the Daughters.”

She and hubby appear to be out and out social justice warriors embracing their blackness whilst singing the praises of the late adulterer Martin Luther King Jr and associating with the left-leaning Gospel Coalition and only just holding onto the doctrine of male headship (but for how long?)

Jasmine’s appearance has also changed since tying the knot with Mr.Holmes because she now favours “Afro” hairstyles and has a nose ring and more recently (days ago) got her first tattoo (with Mr.Holmes’s blessing or at his insistence??!)

Has Voddie Baucham nothing to say about his worldly SJW daughter?

This entry was posted on September 21, 2019. 1 Comment

A request addressed to our German viewers

In recent weeks we have had many views from Germany and we are glad that there is an interest in our blog on the part of some (or many) in that country but this has not been the case over the duration of our blog.

We wonder at the recent (and sustained) interest in our blog from that country and wonder what triggered it.

We also wonder how well our blog posts translate into German (if this is necessary for some of our German viewers.)

To our German viewers we make this request.

Please comment on some of the many posts you have read and inform us if you agree or disagree with us, andĀ also how you discovered our blog.

Thank You.

“Pastor” Jeff Durbin’s lewd question

Three worldly and alcohol-loving Pastors, Jeff Durbin, Doug Wilson and Toby Sumpter met recently to discuss theology!

“Pastor” Jeff Durbin commenced the proceedings with a disgusting introductory question and he was not rebuked for his vulgarity by his two friends.

These three are not just “in the world,” they are “of the world.”