Brother of Enoch Burke asked to sign petition against pride parade (did he sign?)

On Thursday of last week we were in Enniskillen, a town in Northern Ireland, seeking signatures for our petition against a forthcoming “gay” pride parade planned for the town later this year. This will be the first pride parade ever in Enniskillen and we are determined to do all in our power to stop it, hence our petition.

We have been on the streets of Enniskillen two to three times most weeks since last September and have endured inclement weather, hostility and physical assault.

We were pleasantly surprised last Thursday to see a young man we recognised as a member of the Burke family from Castlebar, County Mayo in the Republic of Ireland. We felt sure young Mr Burke would be delighted to see us and our petition, and would offer his support by signing it.

He is from a family that describe themselves as Evangelical Christians and his brother is none other than Enoch Burke who is, according to media reports, languishing in Mountjoy prison for refusing to capitulate to the demands of the transgender lobby.

The young Mr Burke who was in Enniskillen last week did not sign our petition on that occasion saying he might sign “sometime” and instead plied us with questions about our church affiliation (we have none).

How strange and curious! We are attempting (with our petition) to defeat the very lobby/agenda (LGBT) that the Burkes hold responsible for the imprisonment of Enoch Burke yet he would not add his name to it.

Curiouser and curiouser!

The menopause is NOT a disability

Downtrodden and browbeaten by Feminist demands, employers have no rights, only responsibilities. The insane equality/feminist agenda has trampled on the rights employers had at one time such as hiring (on merit) and firing (incompetent, lazy employees).

Employers are forced to hire women for jobs that are better (or only) suited to men. Quotas, quotas, quotas rule the employers search for staff. They have to have quotas of ethnic minorities, women, sodomites and lesbians, disabled, tattooed, those with pink hair, blue hair, dreadlocks, nose rings and other piercings…….!

This would be laughable and ridiculous were it not so serious. This is reality for today’s employers.

Now to add to their burdens, feminist cranks are forcing employers to view the menopause as a disability and if employers fail to make “reasonable adjustments” for women going through menopause they could be sued for “disability discrimination!”

Menopause is a natural occurrence. It is not a disability.

This feminist nonsense will adversely affect businesses. In years gone by women did not openly discuss subjects like menstruation and menopause. Such things were not taboo but they were private and treated with decorum. This should still be the case today and probably would be but for grotesque feminists who love to air their dirty linen in public (figuratively speaking.)

Disgusting women.

Employer out there, you have our sympathy. We know that is not enough.

This entry was posted on February 23, 2024. 7 Comments

Depraved men and debauched women prancing on stage in South Belfast pub

Last Saturday the Devenish pub/bar in South Belfast, Northern Ireland was the venue for a strip show by male strippers.

According to media reports, the audience was mostly (or entirely) female.

Some of these women apparently gave full vent to their wickedness toward the end of the show by gyrating about with the male strippers.

Feminism applauds such licentious behaviour in women and actively encourages it. Feminism teaches women to cast off all restraint, modesty and decorum and is responsible for the coarse, vulgar society that surrounds us today.

Filthy men and filthy women filled the despicable Devenish pub last Saturday.

No society which allows and promotes sexual deviancy and licentiousness can last very long.

Northern Ireland continues its descent into the abyss.

Alistair Begg’s lesser-known compromise circa 2019

The current furore surrounding Pastor Alistair Begg and his appalling advice to a grandmother concerning her grandson’s forthcoming “gay/trans wedding” (that she should go and bring a present) is not the first obvious compromise on Begg’s part.

In 2019 he interviewed rock singer Alice Cooper (real name Vince Furnier) and his wife on stage at his Parkside Church in Cleveland Ohio. He referred to Cooper as a “missionary to the Arts” and spoke to him and his wife as if they were Evangelical Christians (see 2nd video below)

Vince Furnier was born and raised in a religion that is an off-shoot of Mormonism i.e the Bickertonite Church (see 1st video below).

If he truly embraced Biblical Christianity he would not be in a grotesque rock group (see 3rd video below of Alice Cooper in 2022 singing at the aptly-named Hellfest)

Yet Alistair Begg prays for him and his “ministry” at Parkside church in 2019.

Begg’s compromise did not commence with his wicked advice to that grandmother.

This entry was posted on February 8, 2024. 1 Comment

Northern Ireland’s “Dr Death”

Allow us to introduce you to Dr Laura McLaughlin a consultant Obstetrician/Gynaecologist at one of the Province’s well known hospitals.

She is also the co-founder of the pro-abortion lobby group Doctors for Choice NI.

When she is not engaged in delivering babies (live babies that is) she is an “abortion provider” i.e she kills unborn babies.

That she takes pleasure in murder is beyond doubt as evidenced by the following comment posted on her twitter X account,

“Very proud to announce that history was made in NI when, on 13th December 2023, the first legal 2nd trimester surgical abortion was carried out in the newly established 2nd trimester surgical service in the Ulster Hospital…”

Dr McLaughlin and her ilk are killing unborn babies and have no fear of prosecution because abortion is legal in NI.

These medics are not doctors, they are criminals and a God-fearing society would view them as such and punish them.

Alas Northern Ireland is no longer a God-fearing society and will reap the whirlwind!

An encounter with “Voice in the desert” cult in Enniskillen

Last week we encountered members of a heretofore unknown (to us) cult called “Voice in the Desert” in Enniskillen, County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland.

There were three of them, two young men and a young lady. They were giving out booklets.

We spoke with the young lady and asked some questions. She gave the impression that they were Christians but something about her and the others seemed strange.

We asked for one of their booklets and it made for disturbing reading, a mixture of truth and error. The booklet is entitled “The Future Is In Your Hands.”

It listed a website which we checked and their true identity is hidden but it appears the group behind the booklet is “Voice in the Desert”, previously known as “Jesus Christians.” This information we gleaned from further research, not from their website.

Further information at links below.

“Impartial” Reporter hit piece on our petition against Enniskillen Pride parade

Some years ago the Impartial Reporter newspaper in Enniskillen played fast and loose with the truth when reporting on the LGBT lobby and my opposition to said lobby. One of their reporters who shall remain nameless and has risen to dizzy heights in the written media stated that I refused to speak with him about my anti-LGBT views and that I was “hiding behind my Bible” (or words to that effect). This was a blatant falsehood. He had never approached me for an interview.

When confronted, he deleted his hit piece.

It should come as no surprise that when my husband and I were approached last week in Enniskillen by a reporter from the “illustrious” Impartial Reporter as we stood at the Diamond in Enniskillen with a petition against the first ever “gay” pride parade which the LGBT lobby are planning to hold next year, we declined to speak with the “anything but impartial” Impartial Reporter! We made it clear to the reporter that we had past experience with his newspaper and had nothing to say to him.

He went ahead and wrote the predictable, inaccurate hit piece which is all we expect from that rag.

So here we go again setting the record straight.

The link below will take our readers to the article in question. Note the accompanying photos.

My husband and I can be seen with two police officers and I am holding our petition which reads as follows,

“NO Pride Parade in Enniskillen in 2024” the word “PETITION” is in capitals below these words.

The police were only there because we asked a young man nearby to phone them as we were being harassed by the group in the second photo (they are all saying “cheese” for the camera) but they were a hideous group of young deluded people.

The Police spoke to them and warned them about their behaviour. The police did not speak to us about “keeping proceedings civil”. This is laughable nonsense on the part of the newspaper!

The journalist wants to give the impression that I was alone in my protest. Not so! My husband was with me and can be seen sitting on the bench as he used a crutch and could not stand too long.

The journalist continues with his diatribe when he says that I believe divorce and rock music should be against the law. This is news to me. I do believe that homosexuality and abortion and adultery should be against the law but whilst I believe rock music is anarchic and harmful, I have never said it should be illegal and I am not against divorce when it is on Biblical grounds i.e in the case of adultery.

The journalist describes me as a “self-styled moral crusader who failed to get elected to Fermanagh and Omagh District Council in 2015 after securing 166 votes…”

Wrong, wrong and wrong again!

I have never said I was a moral crusader. I did stand for election for the Council but the year was 2014 and I stood again for election in 2015 but that was a Westminster election not a Council election. I did receive 166 votes in that Westminster election.

Get your facts right Impartial Reporter!

The hit piece continues and portrays the rent a mob group who harassed us as reasonable, non-threatening and thoroughly nice. They were wicked. They had a makeshift sign that they held up before the police came and it wasn’t the one they are holding which reads “love your gay neighbour.” The sign they held up was disgusting and unrepeatable.

The motley crew gave the impression that we were silent and had nothing to say when they spoke to us. Far from being silent we clearly stated our reasons for opposing the forthcoming pride parade and indeed we have spoken with many people since commencing our petition and many have been supportive and encouraging and we have many signatures and intend to continue despite the hostility directed at us.

Any who want to sign our petition, please let us know in the form of a comment on our blog.

Marble Arch Caves caves in to LGBT pressure

Famous tourist attraction the Marble Arch Caves in County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland has capitulated to pressure from the LGBT lobby and “in celebration of our LGBTQ+colleagues and residents” is hosting an “evening of adventurous cave activities” with complimentary food and refreshments.

The “gay” juggernaut continues its destructive march through society and few (if any) seem willing to oppose and resist it.