Filthy feminists protest against filthy men

The feminist rent-a-mob that is Belfast Feminist Network held a protest tonight outside the Kingspan rugby stadium in Belfast.

They were addressed by Kellie Turtle, their chief rabble- rouser.

The protest was organised because the feminists are angry at the “Not Guilty” verdict handed down in the rape trial of Paddy Jackson, Stuart Olding and two others.

I have made it clear in a recent post on our blog that whilst the players were cleared of rape, they and their accuser engaged in acts of debauchery.

She is disgusting and they are disgusting.

The feminist hordes who protested tonight do not want the spotlight on the behaviour of the woman, because she portrayed herself as a victim (instead of the willing participant in an orgy that she was) and her feminist sisters will continue to play the “victim card” on her behalf.

The theme of tonight’s protest was “Stamp out misogyny.”

They employ this slogan because it distracts attention away from the immoral young woman at the centre of this case and places it firmly on the rugby players only.

The rugby players did make vile comments about women on social media shortly after their night of debauchery with the 19 year old woman (their accuser) and for that I condemn them, but to hear these feminists, one would think that they never engaged in dirty talk.

They most certainly do!

One of the placards at their protest tonight had vulgar wording.

Feminists love to talk dirty. Think of the feminist play by Eve Ensler called The V….. Monologues. Nothing is taboo or off-limits to these filthy women.

Think of their behaviour at their hen nights.

Yet they feign disgust at the comments made by the rugby players, which were disgusting to be sure, but feminists are not in any position to criticise. It is a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

There has always been coarse and vulgar men and women, but in times past they were the exception.

Today, because of the sexual revolution and feminism, the majority of men and women are coarse and vulgar.

In days gone by,  most women behaved like ladies and raised the tone of society and men adjusted their behaviour accordingly and behaved like gentlemen, and the dregs of society were easier to spot.

Not so today. Society is drowning in vulgarity and perversion, and feminism and sexual revolutionaries are largely to blame.

See the feminist protest below,

5 thoughts on “Filthy feminists protest against filthy men

  1. “Think of their behaviour at their hen nights.”

    Not true, Ms White. Not everyone, or ever feminist, is as sexual immoral as you imagine them to be (what a strange past time, imagining such things!)

    Indeed, feminism and arguably recent social media movements have quickened the pace, have done a great deal to improve the status, circumstances and ability for women to leave dangerous relationships and marriages.

    This article is like a photocopy from a 1950s era periodical. Bizarre, but entertaining nonetheless. Certainly of no educational or religious merit.

    • My title is “Mrs” not “Ms.” As I read your comment, it is obvious that your beloved feminism has done nothing to improve your use of English. There is more than one mistake in your spellings! Feminism has had a destructive effect on society in general and women in particular.It promotes coarseness, vulgarity, immorality, immodesty and rebellion.Remember the feminist “slut marches” when feminists declared that they were “proud to be sluts.” You cannot handle the truth so you try to suppress it or laugh at it. The Bible says that “fools make a mock at sin.”

      • You know nothing of my beliefs, and cannot comment – nor are you remotely qualified – to comment upon them. I certainly do not make a mockery of sin, not in my daily living nor while commenting on this blog. You can’t possibly begin to. I could be a pastor for all you are aware.

        I pointed out that your self-invented view of feminism is incorrect and you clearly know little or nothing about the topic, nor presumably do you know any real feminists. I stand by this. Completely.

        Feminism and religion are wholly compatible. Read up on the topic and you will learn something. They are not the rivals you seem to think them to be. It as a movement certainly has done nothing to hinder society in its age-long quest to have a world of justice, equality and fairness, only enhance this laudable set of goals.

        I wish I could say the same for your writings. They seem to come from a place of fury – at yourself, at the world, at every action or thought you disapprove of. That’s a very strange way to live. It cannot be wholesome or healthy.

        There are so many Christians who don’t seem to be so pious and self-aggrandising and can relate to others from their blog posts. This blog simply seems a chimney for rage, fury, fire and brimstone. I can’t fathom its purpose.

        P.S. I had no idea if you are married or not. You could easily have been Miss or Ms for all I knew. I found no posts to say otherwise. So hardly a crime, that one.

        • You described our blog post as “bizarre but entertaining”….and “of no educational or religious merit.” Our blog emphasizes the law of God and His standards of morality. In mocking our blog, you are directly and indirectly mocking God’s standards of morality which have been jettisoned by the Feminist movement. Feminism promotes and encourages sexual promiscuity and the fact that not every feminist lives the way feminism encourages them to live does not change the fact that most feminists ARE sexually promiscuous. This is why most feminists are pro-abortion. You could not be a Pastor because the Bible does not permit you to assume that office. So in replying to you, I know I am not dealing with a Pastor. I do not recognise such aberrations. I know a great deal about feminism and I know many feminists. It is difficult to avoid them because today MOST women are feminists, to a greater or lesser degree and that includes the women in many churches.I am one of the few women in Northern Ireland who is an outspoken opponent of feminism. A former feminist called Erin Pizzey stated that feminism is a terrorist organisation. Finally the purpose of our blog is to share the truth (the truth about God, the Bible, salvation, societal ills and the remedy for them etc.) So our advice to you is, find another blog. This is not the one for you.

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