Daniel (Scott Lively) in the lion’s den

Courageous Christian Pastor Scott Lively who is running for Governor of Massachusetts took part in a “Gay” Rights Forum along with seven other gubernatorial candidates.

The event was organised by MassEquality and WBGH TV channel and took place at Boston Public Library on 25th March.

Scott Lively showed tremendous courage in an extremely hostile environment.

The seven other candidates for Governor were knaves and fools. They spoke like robots, all doing the bidding of their homosexual masters.

Courage has been defined as “That quality which enables one to encounter danger and difficulties with firmness, calmness and intrepidity.”

Watch Pastor Lively and see courage in action.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K547pmAoz1l     (this link is not working, so here is another)


6 thoughts on “Daniel (Scott Lively) in the lion’s den

    • Pastor Lively was speaking about end times prophecy. He was speaking about the antichrist, who, in all probability, will be a political figure and the leader of the world’s largest superpower. He was making the point that President Obama is presently the leader of the world’s largest superpower and that the antichrist will hold the same office in the future.
      Dave, we know that your comment is a ploy to discredit Pastor Lively. You have not succeeded.

      • Susan,

        Dave has no need to discredit Scott Lively, Mr Lively is quite well and able to discredit himself!

        Would this be the one and the same Scott Lively?

        “In October 1991, the photographer Catherine Stauffer attended a church meeting where the OCA was previewing a videotape it had cobbled together in preparation for a campaign in support of a series of local antigay ballot measures across the state. Lively ejected Stauffer from the meeting forcefully, by throwing her against the wall and dragging her across the floor.[x] She sued Lively and OCA. The jury determined that Lively was guilty of using unreasonable force and awarded Stauffer $20,000.”

        For further biography on Mr Lively see here:


        For once we agree Susan – The truth shall indeed set us free! (seemingly Mr Lively doesn’t agree)

        • Here are the facts about the case you mentioned.

          In 1991, a lesbian reporter for homosexual magazine, “Just Out,” Catherine Stauffer, infiltrated a private meeting of Oregon Citizens Alliance (OCA.) It is reported she later admitted to the Assistant District Attorney that she had indeed been criminally trespassing.
          She was asked to leave, refused, resisted and was physically removed.
          When she called 911, Police arrived but pressed no charges. Then she filed a lawsuit against Scott Lively and the OCA claiming “Battery.”
          The Judge, Samuel Imperati, ordered evidence of Stauffer’s criminal trespass suppressed. He was a corporate lawyer for Nike, a company which is a major supporter of the homosexual community.

          Click on the following link and scroll down for more information: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/632192/replies?c=14

          • Oh so thats alright then, she was not a woman but a lesbian and therefore it is okay to assault her. Obviously ‘thou shalt not kill’ does not cover ‘thou shalt not harm’, and some females warrant violence being committed upon them. what a very christian lot you are indeed. not.

          • Deal with the facts of the case, Sir, and refrain from misrepresenting the case, and our blog. We realise it is difficult for you to deal with cold, hard facts, because they get in the way of selling the “gay” victim narrative. By the way, if it’s not expecting too much, perhaps you will comment on the post you are supposed to be commenting on, which is, “Daniel (Scott Lively) in the lion’s den” and NOT the Catherine Stauffer case.

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