Our complaint to Silverbirch Hotel Omagh re: male strippers show


We wish to complain about a forthcoming performance at the Silverbirch Hotel on 22nd June 2024. You are permitting an X-rated display by male strippers and you obviously think this is entertainment.

In the eyes of God this performance is wicked and deviant. It is also an attack on public morals and decency. There may be money in filth but there is no honour in it and there is always a price to pay when one violates Biblical morality.

Be not deceived, God is not mocked. We are Evangelical Christians but we have no doubt that many people who do not claim to be Christian are likewise shocked and disgusted that your hotel is the venue for a performance that is an assault on all that is good, noble and wholesome.

We urge you to cancel this vile performance immediately and you will have the gratitude of God-fearing people. Please do not persist in accommodating evil. If you do, you may pass the point of no return and find there is no way back.

From the White family

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